Filtration enzymes applied during mashing affect beer composition and viscosity
beer viscosity, filtration enzymes, mashing, arabinoxylan, β-glucanAbstract
Why was the work done: Filtration enzymes that target the degradation of arabinoxylan and β-glucan are widely used in the brewing industry to improve wort and beer filtration. Although these enzymes have proven their effectiveness in improved lautering efficiency and beer filterability, the effect of varying dosage and type of enzyme preparations on beer composition and quality has not been described.
How was the work done: The impact of dosage of different filtration enzyme preparations (Laminex®750, Laminex®C2K, and Laminex®MaxFlow4G) was investigated on the free ferulic acid content in the wort, chemical composition and viscosity of beer, together with an emphasis on the content and structure of arabinoxylan and β-glucan.
What are the main findings: The structural features of arabinoxylan and β-glucan in beer were strongly influenced by the dosage and type of filtration enzyme. In general, the high-molecular weight (HMW) arabinoxylan and HMW β-glucan content, and total β-glucan content in beers decreased with increasing enzyme dosage, while the total arabinoxylan levels increased. The HMW arabinoxylan content was strongly related to beer viscosity. The use of filtration enzymes led to a decreased HMW arabinoxylan content and decreased beer viscosity, which could affect the palate fullness of beers. Overdosing filtration enzymes resulted in more ferulic acid, the precursor (in the presence of phenolic yeast) to the clove-like 4-vinyl guaiacol.
Why is the work important: This work provides brewers with insight on how filtration enzymes affect beer composition and viscosity. It can help make an informed choice of the type of filtration enzyme and the dosage applied during mashing.
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