Publishing ethics
Ethical standards for publication exist to ensure that scientific publications are of high quality and trustworthy. The Journal of the Institute of Brewing complies with the guidelines and best practices set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of the Institute of Brewing are 'double blind' peer reviewed by (typically) two anonymous reviewers who are experts in the appropriate field. Between 2019-24, 23% of submitted manuscripts were accepted for publication.
Manuscripts must represent reports of original research and must not be under consideration for publication elswhere. Submissions to the Journal of the Institute of Brewing are initially assessed by the EiC to determine suitability for consideration of publication in the Journal. Plagiarism is assessed using Crossref Similarity Check (powered by iThenticate). Authors must declare any conflicts of interest and avoid 'gift authorships' by identifying 'author contributions' (CRediT)