Modelling of beer sensory staleness based on flavour instability parameters
beer staling, flavour stability, markers, staling aldehydes, multivariate data analysis, sensory evaluationAbstract
Why was the work done: The deterioration of the flavour of fresh beer is challenging for the brewing industry. Despite extensive research on flavour instability, the focus has centred on a limited set of parameters, rather than taking a broader approach.
How was the work done: in this study, the intent was to produce a flavour stable beer. Using a low kilning temperature, malt of low staling potential was used in combination with best brewing practice to produce three batches of unpasteurised top fermented pale beers at a pilot scale. Forty-three markers were analysed in the fresh and aged beers (30°C for 15, 30, 60 and 90 days). Staleness was evaluated by a trained sensory panel and multivariate data analysis was used to explore how the markers contribute to staleness.
What are the main findings: Repeatability was achieved between replicate brews and, subsequently, staling. Polyphenols, haze, total reactive antioxidant potential (TRAP), iso-α-acids, colour, furfural, 2-methylpropanal and 2-methylbutanal showed a strong correlation with staleness. Staleness doubled after 60 days of storage at 30°C, despite volatile aldehydes remaining below their sensory thresholds, implying a synergistic effect of carbonyls contributing to staleness. A Partial Least Square (PLS) model was established, modelling the sensory staleness from 2-methylpropanal, furfural, TRAP and the trans-/cis-iso-α-acids ratio.
Why is the work important: The staling phenomena could be reproduced in beers from parallel brewing trials with only minor variations. The four parameters in PLS modelling indicate that beer staling involves a combination of oxidative and non-oxidative pathways.
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